Blue Marble ECO is a single stream recycle company, so our customers have no need to separate all of their items. They can simply give the material to us and we break it down. We receive semi loads of material at a time and have in place a group of well trained Recycling Technicians who sort the material by type.​​

Most of the semi loads that Blue Marble ECO receive will have Styrofoam, cardboard, appliances, electronics and other heavy metal items.
Blue Marble ECO demanufactures the material, sorts it and uses appropriate storage and processing procedures to reduce landfill diversion.
Blue Marble ECO works hard to find ways to reuse material. One of the most successful models within Blue Marble ECO is using the material as tools for the Career Training Institute. With the material used as tools, students learn appliance repair technician skills, EPA certifications, and general warehouse work environment development.
Blue Marble ECO is proud to support the individual students of the CTI program and often the individual takes the skills they have developed and implement them either at a new job or to start a new business.
90% of all the material that Blue Marble ECO receives is put back into material processes, and the remaining 10% is appropriately routed to waste management services.