EPS Recycling
Expanded polystyrene known by
many as a brand name “Styrofoam”
is a material that contains a lot of reusable materials and is highly recyclable.
Some recycled materials is being
used for “waste to energy” programs but the materials from Blue Marble ECO are reused again for packing materials. We figure that the materials can always be turned to energy later after more reuse.

Blue Marble ECO provides EPS recycling services and currently supports the needs of several organizations in 5 different states. We have designed a business model that makes EPS recycling self-funded without government dollars or recycling fees.
We always try to be good neighbors and our recycling plants are often near residential areas where people without transportation can find jobs, we do not accept consumer EPS. We only accept commercial and industrial because it does not contain food waste which attracts nuisances to neighborhoods like vermin and odors.

Antton Gadis, EPS Recycle Technician
New Employee Highlight:
Antton is a veteran, E4 Army, Fuel Supply Specialist. He was deployed to Iraq for over one year and had multiple stents in other countries such as; Afghanistan, Egypt and Iran.
Antton was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN and he enjoys playing basketball and golf.
EPSrecyclers.com Call us today to learn how we can help your organization. (317) 670-2309
According to Earth Resources, an estimated 30 percent of all landfill waste by volume consists of plastics and
EPS products.